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Search Box - v3

Table of contents Search Box

Default Search Query Settings

Setting Description
Use a dynamic data source You can set a default query text coming from am other data source. This case is particularly useful when you want to put a search box Web Part on the front page redirecting to an other page with the same query. Use the query string parameter 'q' from the built-in 'Page Environment' data source.

Search box options

Setting Description
Enable query suggestions The search box supports by default query suggestions from SharePoint search. Refer to the following article to know how to add query suggestions in your SharePoint tenant (caution: it can take up to 24h for changes to take effect). You can also add your own custom suggestions providers using following this procedure.
Send the query to a new page Sends the search query text to a new page. On that page, use an other search box Web Part configured with a dynamic data source as the default query. This Web Part uses the URL fragment '#' to pass the entered keywords. Make sure you use this data source property in your targeted components to retrieve the query.
Placeholder text The placeholder text to display in the search box.

Search query enhancement

The search query enhancement feature was removed since the 3.11.0 release. If you need to use such a feature, you must now use the Query Modifier feature and the Search Query Enhancer function