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How to contribute?

You can contribute to this project at multiple levels:

As a result, we accept pull requests from the community. You can refer to this post to learn how to make a PR on a GitHub repository.


Your PR must target the develop branch.


Your PR will be automatically rejected if

  • It alters too much of the solution core architecture or the amount of code is too substantial to be reviewed properly.
  • You don't provide any detailled steps to test it.
  • It contains a new feature that was not discussed previously with the maintainers.

Setting up the solution locally

Before making any PR, you need to setup this project locally on your machine. This solution is composed of three distinct parts:

Project Description
search-parts SPFx Web Parts code
search-extensibility SPFx library component containing shared code between core Web Parts and extensibilty library.
search-extensibility-demo Reusable components to extend capabilities of core Web Parts

Setup the search-extensibility project


By default, the search-parts and search-extensibility-demo projects use the npm reference @pnp/modern-search-extensibility.

Follow these steps only if you intend to perform some changes on the search-extensibility project.


Because this project is published as an npm reference, any change is critical.

Please do not commit changes if you are not sure about what you are doing.

The search-extensibilty project is an SPFx library component containing all the shared interfaces for the search-parts and search-extensibility-demo other SPFx projects. As a result, a symbolic link must be build to these projects first before it can be used:

  1. Open the search-extensibility project and install dependencies using npm i or your favorite package manager.
  2. Build the project using the command npm run build or gulp bundle.
  3. Run the command npm link to create a symbolic link.

You can also refer to the official SPFx documentation about library component usage.

A symbolic link is a shortcut that points to another directory or another project (in this case) on your system

Setup the search-parts and search-extensibility-demo projects

  1. From the search-parts or search-extensibility-demo project, run npm i.
  2. Build the project using npm run build or gulp bundle.


If you made local changes on the search-extensibility project, after each npm i, you must link your local search-extensibility project using the command npm link @pnp/modern-search-extensibility

Debug the solution

  • From Visual Studio Code console or any other console, from the search-parts folder, use the npm run serve command to start the server. We use SPFx Fast Serve Tool from Sergei Sergeev to speed up development process.
  • From Visual Studio Code, use the 'Hosted Workbench' debug configuration with your URL to debug the Web Parts. Any changes to the code will trigger a new build and refresh your page automatically within seconds.