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Tokens give you the ability to write dynamic queries for your data sources by using the special syntax {<TokenName>}.

Where can I use tokens?

You can use tokens in the following locations:

  • Search Results Web Part

    • Builtin data sources
      • SharePoint Search
        • Query template field.
        • Refinement filters field.
      • Microsoft Search
        • Query template field.
  • Search Verticals Web Part

    • In the link URL when the vertical item is a link.
  • Search Box Web Part

    • In the Query input transformation template when sending the query to a new page.
    • In the Page URL field.

Supported tokens (all data sources)

Tokens are case insensitive

Page tokens
Token Definition
The value of a field on the page from where the query was issued. For example, if the page from where the query was issued contained a site column named "ContentOwner," specifying {Page.ContentOwner} would allow you to query for the value of "ContentOwner." FieldName is the internal name of the field. When used with taxonomy columns, use {Page.<FieldName>.Label} or {Page.<FieldName>.TermID}
Connections tokens

Tokens related to connected Web Parts in the Search Results.

These tokens can be used in the 'Search Results' and 'Search Box' Web Parts.

You can escape curly braces characters using '\' to avoid: ex: DepartmentId:\{edbfd618-ef1d-4cc5-a214-95bf44ddf4ee\}

Token Definition
The query value entered into a search box on a page. The value depends on the configuration of input text connection of the Search Results Web Part.
{filters.<FilterName>.<|valueAsText|fromDate|toDate\>} The current selected filters. 'FilterName' corresponds to the filter name specified in the Search Filters Web Part (not the display name). The available values for a filter are as follow:
  • valueAsText: the filter value as text. For multi values filter, values will be separated by a comma ','.
  • fromDate: if the filter is a date range template, the 'from' date selected by the user in UTC format.
  • toDate: if the filter is a date range template, the 'to' date selected by the user in UTC format.

If no filter are selected (i.e. no values), the {filters} expression will be resolved as an empty string ''.
{verticals.<value|name>} If connected, get the current selected vertical tab name or associated value.
Context tokens
Token Definition
{PageContext.<PropertyName>} Resolves current SPFx page context related tokens. You can use deep paths here to access properties. Ex: {}. Use the debug template in the web part to see all tokens available under the context node.
{LegacyPageContext.<PropertyName>} Resolves current SPFx legacy page context related tokens. You can use deep paths here to access properties. Ex: {LegacyPageContext.aadTenantId}.
A value from a query string in the URL of the current page. For example, if the URL of the current page contains a query string such as ItemNumber=567, you could obtain the value 567 by specifying {QueryString.ItemNumber}.
Use {?QueryString.Parameter} if you want the part to be omitted in case the query string parameter is not present.
The current display language based on MUI in ll-cc format.
Numeric value of the current display language based on MUI in ll-cc format.
URL of the tenant (root site)
Site, web, hub, etc. tokens

Except for {Hub}, these a shortands to the {PageContext} tokens. They returns the same values. <PropertyName> is case sensitive.

Token Definition
{Site.<PropertyName>} Resolves current site related tokens. You can use the 'Debug' layout and the context property to see all available values for a site. Ex {} or {Site.absoluteUrl}.
{Hub.<PropertyName>} Resolves current hub site related tokens. Valid property names are {Hub.HubSiteId}, {Hub.Id} and {Hub.IsHubSite} You can target a hub with the template: DepartmentId:\{{Hub.HubSiteId}\}.
{Group.<PropertyName>} Resolves current Office 365 group related tokens. You can use the 'Debug' layout and the context property to see all available values for a site.
{List.<PropertyName>} Resolves current list related tokens. Ex {} or {List.absoluteUrl}.
{Web.<PropertyName>} Resolves current web related tokens You can use the 'Debug' layout and the context property to see all available values for a site. Ex {} or {Web.absoluteUrl}.
User tokens
Token Definition
{User} or {User.Name} Display name of the user who issued the query. For example, this value can be used to query content of the managed property Author.
{User.Email} Email address of the user who issued the query. For example, this value can be used to query content of the managed property WorkEmail.
{User.PreferredContentLanguage} Language as specified as Preferred Content Language in the profile of the user who issued the query.
{User.PreferredDisplayLanguage} Language as specified as Preferred Display Language in the profile of the user who issued the query.
{User.\<property>} Any property from the user profile of the user who issued the query — for example, SPS-Interests, userprofile_guid, accountname, etc. including custom properties.
Date tokens
Token Definition
{CurrentYear} Local date four digits, 2023
{CurrentMonth} Local month, 1-12
{CurrentDate} Local date, 1-31
{CurrentHour} Local hour, 0-23
{CurrentMinute} Local minute, 0-59
{CurrentSecond} Local second, 0-59
{CurrentYearUTC} UTC date four digits, 2023
{CurrentMonthUTC} UTC month, 1-12
{CurrentDateUTC} UTC date, 1-31
{CurrentHourUTC} UTC, 0-23
{CurrentMinuteUTC} UTC minute, 0-59
{CurrentSecondUTC} UTC second, 0-59

| {Today+/- \<integer value for number of days>}
|A date calculated by adding/subtracting the specified number of days to/from the date when the query is issued. Date format is YYYY-MM-DD (Ex: {Today+5})

SharePoint search query variables

Supported variables

The SharePoint Search engine already supports tokens by default (i.e query variables, ex: {Site.ID}). You can use them in the Query template field only. To see the all the supported tokens natively, refer to the Microsoft documentation.

Use the 'OR' operator

To deal with mutli valued properties (like taxonomy multi or choices SharePoint fields), you can use the 'OR' operator syntax {|<property><operator><multi_values_property>}. The search query will be expanded to the following KQL query:

((<property><operator><value_1>) OR (<property><operator><value_2>) OR (<property><operator><value_3>) ...)


  • Using an user profile multi values taxonomy property: {|owstaxidmetadataalltagsinfo:{User.SPS-Hashtags}}
  • Using a page multi values taxonomy property: {|owstaxidmetadataalltagsinfo:{Page.myTaxonomyMultiColumn.TermID}} or {|owstaxidmetadataalltagsinfo:{Page.myTaxonomyMultiColumn.Label}}
  • Using a page multi values choice property: {|RefinableStringXX:{Page.myChoiceMultiColumn}}

At any time, you can see the resolved query using the 'Debug' layout an inspecting the data.queryModification property.