Setup Results web part to show birthdays

A common requirement for intranets is to show birthdays of employees and as the SharePoint User Profile Application has a property for birthdays, it is a natural choice to use search to show birthdays of employees. In addition, at the time of writing (2023), the Graph API does not have a property for birthdays, so we can't use the Graph API to get the information.

The tricky part is that in the User profile application the birthday value is store is a rather unusual datatype: "date no year"

Birthday in the User Provisioning Service

In my tenant the SPS-Birthday property was mapped to RefinableDate00 and the actual value in the property is 2000-[the date]:

Managed Property value

(use the magnificent SP Editor tool or SP Search Query Tool to inspect the managed properties)

So, the query had to be something like "those accounts where RefinableDate00 = 2000 + the value of today's date

In KQL we have the token "today" that will give us today's date, but as far as I know, we can't get the components the date consist of, like Month and Day.

Luckily, the PnP Modern search provides additional Tokens, see Tokens

So the final query is:


( and of cause a criteria to exclude former employees, like SPS-HideFromAddressLists<>1)

Birthday web part