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Search Query Enhancer - v3

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The search query enhancer function can be used in conjunction with the Query Modifier feature to alter the query before being sent to the search results Web Part. This sample demonstrates the following principles to help you with the setup:

  • Create an Azure function using TypeScript and Webpack. The original setup was reused from this article with only few adjustments.
  • Connect Azure Function to an SPFx component
  • Use third party back end services like Microsoft LUIS or Text Analysis to interpret a search query and enhance it with NLP services.

In this sample, the function is secured by a function code. For production use, refer to this article to protect and use it with Azure AD and SPFx.

In real world scenarios, you may want add your own intents and build your enhanced search queries accordingly. Use this sample as a starter.

Why LUIS instead of SharePoint search query rules?

  • Easy to manage for power users .They don't have to deal with complex SharePoint concepts. With LUIS, they can manage and refine the model more easily in a friendly comprehensive interface.
  • Real time monitoring. Power users can review utterances submitted by end users in the LUIS portal and what keywords are entered. They can add new terms as synonyms automatically from the utterances and identify new intentions more precisely.
  • Extensible model with custom intents mapped to predefined well know SharePoint search queries.
  • Able to plug in the Bing Spell checker automatically to correct mispeleld words and get a clean query

Set up the solution

  • In the portal, imports new applications from the JSON files in the /luis folder.


  • In Azure, create keys for the following Microsoft Cognitive Services:
    • Language Understanding
    • Bing Spell Check v7
    • Text Analytics

Azure Keys

  • Fill the following values in the local.settings.json file according to your environment:
Setting Description
LUIS_SubscriptionKey The key value for LUIS retrieved from the Azure portal.
LUIS_AzureRegion Azure region where you created the LUIS key. Ex: 'westus'.
Bing_SpellCheckApiKey The Bing Spell Check API key retrieved from the Azure portal.
TextAnalytics_SubscriptionKey The key value for Text Analytics Service retrieved from the Azure portal
TextAnalytics_AzureRegion Azure region where you created the Text Analytics key. Ex: 'westus'.
  • Add keys to your LUIS applications


  • Train and publish the LUIS applications
  • Fill LUIS app IDs in the luismappings.json file in the functions/enhanceQuery/config/ folder according to your environment.
  • Play with the function!


Intent Description
PnP.SearchByKeywords The default intent for the search query. Used to improve free text searches for SharePoint (90% of users queries in the portal).
None Needed to avoid unrelevant query such as noise words, trolling or insulting words


Entity Type Description Recognition method
keyPhrase Builtin This prebuilt enity catches important keywords in the phrase. In this case, we treat these values as a "free" keyword which will be matched with all relevant SharePoint search managed properties. Machine Learning